I just watched the hearing at: http://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=379740 This was only an information gathering hearing, no voting. The hearing is a bit fragmented between different bills due to attendees time commitments. HR 1776 can be seen at the following time segments, 58:00-1:09, 1:21-1:32, and 1:36-1:58. Chairman Bishop asked if even stronger language for OHV opportunities could be added to the bill!! Rep. LaMalfa stated he was on "our" side. Mr. Roundtree, representing the BLM, claimed to not know about the publics perception of the potential asbestos hazard but was quick to support the EPA asbestos report. Steve Koretoff did a good job of presenting a quality statement and answered questions presented by the committee.
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