California Off-Road Vehicle Association
  • CORVA members riding quads
  • CORVA members jeep lineup
  • CORVA members riding dirt bikes
  • CORVA members driving jeeps

The California Off-Road Vehicle Association (CORVA) is a dynamic and hard working group dedicated to preserving, protecting and promoting OHV and motorized access to public lands.

We're starting a revolution to make sure off-roaders are represented and their voices heard at the highest level of government. We don't give up, but keep on fighting for your rights.

We represent everyone who uses an off-road vehicle: ATV's, motorcycles, trial bikes, and dune buggies, as well as "street legal" 4X4 vehicles, dual sport motorcycles, bajas, and desert racers. If you travel off-road in California, CORVA is your voice for motorized access!

CORVA's main purpose is to work with federal, state and county land managers to preserve, promote and protect off-highway vehicular access and recreation opportunities.  Secondly, we educate our membership on the constantly changing rules and regulations and promote clean-up and trail maintenance projects.

We coordinate with other multiple use organizations ranging from snowmobiles to equestrian enthusiasts to protect multiple use rights from the extremists.  We are "dedicated to protecting our lands for the people, not from the people."

CORVA proudly provides its members...
  • Over 50 years of continuous advocacy for off-road recreation!
  • Continuous appeals of unfair and unjust closure of access to public lands!
  • Extensive oversight of the California OHV "Green Sticker" Fund and OHMVR Division and Commission
  • OFF-ROADERS IN ACTION Newsletter keeps you informed about off-road legislative battles.
  • Membership Kit with I.D. cards & decals!


Quarterly Digital Magazine subscription to keep you informed of off-road legislative battles.

  • Membership Kit with I.D. cards & decals!

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