California Off-Road Vehicle Association
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  • CORVA members driving jeeps


July 11, 2016 10:33 AM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)

IMPORTANT ALERT: A new website has been started to give YOU a voice in the changes pending at California State Parks that will affect our off-road programs, options and opportunities: It is critical that the off-road recreation community be heard in this process, and through this website every enthusiast can communicate your ideas to State Parks. Remember the state is here to represent all Californians, including off-road enthusiasts, but they MUST hear from you!

Off-road enthusiasts are also encouraged to attend an open house to learn about State Parks' proposals. You will get to comment in person, and hear directly from the State Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation about her plans for changes to the Off Highway Motorized Vehicle Recreation Division.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Resources Building Auditorium
1416 9th Street,
Sacramento, CA 95814

CORVA encourages everyone to make your voice heard either by attending the meeting or commenting through the website.

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