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Johnson Valley Shared Use Area reopened

August 29, 2016 2:51 PM | Bruce Brazil

From: Becker CIV Kristina L <

****Status Update****

The Marine Corps returned the Johnson Valley Shared Use Area to the Bureau of Land Management on August 20th - open for public use. The Combat Center is committed to maintaining positive relationships with our community and thanks community members for supporting its efforts in achieving current and progressive service-level training requirements.

The next planned use of the Shared Use Area for military training in August 1-30, 2017. Please see the attached flyer for your use - to post or share with friends or family. As with August 2016 training, the closure period will include the time required to ensure the Shared Use Area is clear of recreation activity prior to training and to confirm the land is clear of hazards prior to reopening for public access. The adjacent Johnson Valley OHV Recreation Area will remain open to the public during Shared Use Area closure.

For additional information including a map of the area, please visit http://www.29palms.marines. mil/Staff/G5-Government-and- External-Affairs/Johnson- Valley <http://www.29palms.marines. mil/Staff/G5-Government-and- External-Affairs/Johnson- Valley> .

Please contact 760-830-3737 or respond to this email with any additional questions or concerns.

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