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OHMVR Commission and Division members

February 05, 2016 6:38 PM | Bruce Brazil

At todays OHMVR Commission meeting, it was announced that   Commissioner Diana Perez had resigned and Commissioner Erin Hafkenschiel will also resigne so she and her family can move out of state.  Today was the first meeting attended by a new Commissioner, Tom Lemmon.  You can check his bio:

Commissioner Lemmon is a desert rat by birth having been raised in Ocotillo Wells. His exposure and participation in the off road community spans over five decades before there were green stickers, site maps or road signs.

Commissioner Slavik's term has ended and he is hoping to be reappointed by Gov. Brown.

And the BIG news is that we are loosing Deputy Director Chris Conlin who is retiring so he can spend more time with his family.  I hope that Gov. Brown can find a replacement that is as good as Chris. 

Last year, Deputy Phil Jenkins retired for medical reasons and his position has a temporary replacement. 





  • March 23, 2016 1:35 PM | Bruce Brazil
    Commissioners Murphy and Slavik have been reappointed by the governor.
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